In my shop you can register for upcoming family story workshops: Family Stories: Beginning, Middle & End in late September 2024

Buy signed copies of Rebel Talk, my previous books and e-books.

There’s my exclusive merch collaboration: Lost in Shanghai Bea Collection tea and coffee cups.

Please note, some links take you to third party booksellers.

I don’t earn a commission from sellers but I do receive royalties from book sales.



Rebel Talk – the art of powerful conversations

  • Download self-assessment tool

Rebel Talk is an excellent opportunity to learn new skills — both in business, and in life. Develop fascinating insights into how we can improve conversation and cultivate our powers of persuasion while getting along better. No small feat! Especially as we emerge from COVID and have to relearn social skills. The book is timely and practical — not to mention entertaining. more


The Beijing Bureau


NEVER BEFORE has China dominated headlines across the world as it does today. Through coercive trade bans, its Belt and Road Initiative, Wolf Warrior diplomacy, military manoeuvres and its control of the diaspora, China is flexing its international muscle. At home in China, the Communist Party is tightening its grip and driving patriotic fervour… more


China Baby Love


How one woman turned her life upside down to help those who needed it most – half a world away. Every orphan comes with a story. Every journalist has a story that stays with them… more


From Rice to Riches


Jane Hutcheon’s connection to China goes back more than one hundred and fifty years, when her great-great-grand-uncle Phineas, a Scottish tea merchant, was drawn to its shores… more


Bea Collection Cups in Shanghai Red


To celebrate the return of Lost in Shanghai, We’ve created  these beautiful cups. You can read about our collaboration here.

Lovingly handmade beside the ocean in Sydney, the cups are stoneware (using Australian clay), dishwasher-safe and microwave-safe. They come in two sizes (tea or coffee) for freshly brewed tea, coffee or tasty morsels of your choice.

Bea-time cups in Shanghai Red are exclusive to Lost in Shanghai.


Family Stories: Middle (Part Two)

AUD 50.00

You’ll learn how to plan and organise the interview, find the right subject or interviewee, learn to ask good questions and discover how to connect with your subjects so they’ll feel at ease and give you good stories! I’ll share tools for creating a wide-ranging life story interview and answer your questions. After this workshop you’ll be able to conduct your own life story interviews and I’ll share other resources so you can continue to hone your skills. /more


Family Stories: End (Part Three)

AUD 50.00

In this 2 hour 15 minute online workshop you’ll work with the life story interview you created in the fortnight since the second workshop. You’ll learn about producing transcripts, using your interviews as a type of ‘master-plan’, discovering ways to use your interviews in a variety of ways. I will also share ways to create a memorial booklet for a loved-one. /more