Family Stories: End (Part Three) AUD 50.00d

The third and final online workshop in the series is End.

In this 2 hour 15 minute online workshop (includes a 15 minute break) you’ll work with the life story interview created in the fortnight since the second workshop. You’ll learn about the value of transcripts, the potential to use AI and using your interviews as a type of ‘master-plan’.

I will also share ways to create memorial booklets for a loved-one. I’ll answer questions and leave you with resources to continue your family story-telling journey.



Please take care of your mental health. Some family stories can be upsetting and cause us to feel sad or upset. The Family Stories Project Workshops are not in any way intended as therapy. While every care is taken to be supportive please indicate if you are feeling upset or unwell during.

Workshops 2 + 3 go together.
Zoom links will be emailed on 13 Une and a reminder sent on 18 June
Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds after 10 May 2024