Are you a Quiet Rebel?

13 April 2022

Dear friends,

My book Rebel Talk, the art of powerful conversations, was published a couple of months ago and since then I’ve been connecting with readers about how we communicate. My next public event is on Wednesday 22 June 2022 at 6 pm at Gleebooks in Sydney. Dear friend, comedian and writer Jen Wong will be quizzing me again and we’d love you to join us. Book your tickets here. When you come, please make sure you say hello!

In the recent conversation at Muse Canberra, I was asked whether I considered myself a rebel.

“I’m a quiet rebel.” I responded.

What’s a quiet rebel, you ask?

Here’s how I define it:

I speak out when I need to, but I try not to bother people with opinions that don’t serve a wider purpose.
My bullying and belittling antenna is always on.
I work hard at listening. It takes constant effort.
When a I’m stuck on a decision, I choose to ‘lead the way’; to become the author of my own life by deciding what I put my agency behind (See Rebel Talk page 81).
If you want to explore these ideas further, my little book is a quick and easy read. I’m excited that readers I’ve met so far have been open to the idea that our conversations need work. If you’re interested, I created this self-assessment for the book. Go on. It’s free.

More than talking about the book, I love to answer questions. Here are some I’ve been asked recently: how do we interrupt or disagree with someone? How do we speak up for ourselves and how do we respond when we are swimming against a tide of cancel culture and shaming?

I will answer these questions and many more in future newsletters. If you have a question about conversation you’d like answered, please get in touch here.

Finally, April 2022 marks the first time in more than thirty years that three religions will celebrate major events in the same month. Christians mark Easter. Muslims have begun the holy month of Ramadan and Jewish Passover begins shortly. As a secular soul, these holy festivals inspire bursts of reflection, self-improvement and renewal. We desperately need these after a few difficult few years.

Wishing you a wonderful, relaxing long weekend.

Jane x

PS Can I ask a favour? Please forward this newsletter to a friend so our community can grow.

Send me a question:

Here’s a link if you’d like to buy a signed copy of Rebel Talk. It’s also available from my favourite Australian bookstore, Booktopia.